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Becoming a "Patreon" helps support the community by providing financial security for hosting costs of our hardware which is used to host all the games we provide, covering on-going costs with your support helps alleviate the financial strain on Drunk Munki.
Visit our link at https://www.patreon.com/GamingAlliance to see our goals and donate and get some extra benefits while you are at it :)
Gaming Alliance is not run for profit and all contributions goes towards this community.

Join our discord for the most up to date info and conversations! https://www.gamingalliance.net/discord | https://discord.gg/asFpJ7A

We are always looking for communities to join us; do you have a game we don't host? you can merge with us and we will cover the hosting costs... we have been running for over 6 years, have over 1,700 people on our discord, operate 9 dedicated servers and have strict policies on admin abuse.
Talk to DrunkMunki in discord to see if we are right for you!

We are currently hosting 32 games on 9 servers
About Gaming Alliance Australia
What is Gaming Alliance?
The philosophy of Gaming Alliance is to have a central community to gather who can play a variety of games, instead of split communities dedicated to one game,
we wish to amalmagate all that into a central location by providing the games for free, with no expection of donations or financial support to keep the games/community 'going'.
All admins and moderators follow strict standards and ethical behaviour to help manage the players/community members and guests.

Everyone will have a voice here, from supportive to negative comments (within reason), we value all kinds of feedback to help shape this community.

we have been running for over 6 years, must be doing something right.

How Can I Get Involved?
It's awesome you want to get involved, this is what you can do to help;
  • Sign Up.. yup that simple
  • Tell all your friends and get them to sign up
  • Make YouTube Videos or post on other forums letting people know about us
  • Are you a company, want to offer your products in our raffles, contact us, we are more than happy to promote you.